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Monthly E.M.S.R. Meetings

Interested in joining, or just learning more about the EMS Reserve?

Then please visit us for our next monthly meeting on Thursday, March 20, 2025, starting at 7:30 PM.

Monthly meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month, with the exception of December.

The public is more than welcome to attend our monthly meetings, with the exception of the February meeting, which is closed to the public.

Contact Us

Meeting Location

Pasadena Fire Dept. Training Center

1500 E Villa St,
Pasadena, CA, 91106

Meetings are held in the operations classroom.

To get to the classroom:

  1. Park on E Villa St.
    • Please do not park in the parking lot.
  2. On foot, enter through the large gate on the east side of Hamilton Ave, south of East Villa St.
  3. Enter the building through the first door on the left.
    • The classroom will be the first door on the left.