Disaster Response
Disaster Response Activation
When disasters strike, emergency resources can be quickly overwhelmed. One mission of the EMS Reserve is to respond when disasters strike the City of Pasadena. In the event of a major, wide-scale emergency, the EMS Reserve can be activated by the Pasadena Fire Department.
Depending on the nature of the disaster, Reserve members may be utilized in different ways. For example, after a major earthquake, Fire Department apparatus will leave their stations to patrol their districts for damage and injuries. EMS Reserve members can respond to fire stations throughout the city to provide aid from the disaster caches located at every station to patients who come to the fire station seeking help.
As another example, given the geography of the hills surrounding Pasadena, a disaster similar to the 1991 Oakland Hills firestorm is always a possibility. During such a disaster, EMS Reserves may be deployed by the Emergency Operations Center to central triage points to provide medical care, or may be assigned to Rescue Ambulances to help free up Fire Engines.
The training and experience possessed by EMS Reserve members make them a valuable and versatile tool for an Incident Commander during any Pasadena-area disaster or catastrophe.
- Rescue Ambulance Duty
- Special Event Duty
- Disaster Response
- Training